Week One – March 1, 2019

Land tilled and prepared 3/1 to 3/5/2019

Students very excited about growing their own vegetables, they prepare the land with garden forks and hoes.

Garden is 10 by 20 meters ( 32 feet by 64ft)

Subdivided into 5 plots 5 meters by 10 (16 ft by 64 ft)

Each upper grade is responsible for a plot, the 3 lower grades combined
P7, P6, P5, P4 and P1-P3

They applied organic fertilizers (Cow dung) to improve the fertility of the soil.

March 6, 2019

Seedling measured they are 7 cm

Seedlings transferred to the garden

Plants include eggplant, collard green.

Terracing is done to prevent soil erosion.

Fencing is done to prevent intruders like animals

Watering is done every day by the students, they have a class leader that oversee chore assignments

The Mirembe Words of Wisdom Children’s Garden & Nutrition initiative allows junior primary school 4-to-14-year-old students to learn about agriculture and nutrition. They are divided into teams that help clear the land, plant seeds, and take turns watering and caring for the garden. The children will be documenting their observation as they care for their gardens. Please check back to see future updates on the garden. Become an advocate for reading and continued education by supporting Mirembe Words of Wisdom. Get in touch here.