Nutrition Program

The directors and their staff and partners at the various schools soon realize that drawing from the content of books read, it was important to materialize that content into actionable unique activities and missions. Hence because we are an African society focused on self-reliance in the nutritional reliance in the planting, caring for and harvesting foods, we acknowledged that focusing on vegetables would be an important sector on the nutritional lesson plans.

Thus, the nutritional program which is now fully implemented in each of the current schools, and individually practiced by each classroom in each of those schools, became a venue of understanding the connection between nutrition, body health and sustenance of life and love of nature. Hence the commitment for the children in each classroom of each school to plant specific vegetables that they would continuously care for until harvest.

At the time of harvest, those classrooms at each school have a day of a feast, of eating together from their own gardens. Thankfully, those children have also further inspired their own family households to increase the capacity of their vegetables in the same spirit.